"lay the / table with Mediterranean swallowings and / open the bottle of fierce affirming rivers."
"If people had strings, I could catch up with them."
"The Island floats amongst the waves / Unknowingly working on their graves."
"It’s hard attempting to wrap this grief around my /
"It’s a Tuesday night and there’s a Barbie shoe lodged in my throat."
Letter from
the editors:
This has been an excellent year for River Bluff Review! Our submitters broke records! Never before have so many enthusiastic people submitted for inclusion in the River Bluff Review. Our editors were amazed by the diversity of ideas, mediums, and themes that our peers tackled in their writing. Not only that, but our visual arts community also showed up in a huge way—super-skilled in their craft and working with widely varied topics. We are in awe.
As we reviewed each piece, we learned about ourselves and each other. Every piece submitted had editors fighting for it, and coming to consensus was a challenge throughout the decision-making process. We are incredibly impressed with every piece published this year; our creative community is vibrant, strong, and willingly vulnerable. We are incredibly honored to be part of this campus and to show the world your amazing creative work.
We have been a handful! A big thanks goes to Professor Vogrin for trying to keep us wrangled, and the entire English Department for holding us all to remarkable standards. This has been an experience that we all count ourselves lucky to be part of.
River Bluff Review © 2023. Creative work © their respective authors. Proudly created with Wix.com. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the SIUE English Department, or the editorial staff of River Bluff Review.
Email: riverbluffreview@gmail.com